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Main page » User instruction » Chargeable services » The company rating »
What is a company rating?
The rating of the company is a number in the Inkapi catalogue. Each company has its own rating. The minimal rating is 0, maximal rating is unlimited. Each company rating is lowered daily by 1 (during the night). If the company rating is 0, then it won't get lowered.
Rating affects the company position in the company catalogue and in the search results. The higher the rating, the higher the company is in the company catalogue and in the search results. The city's companies with the highest rating are displayed as the "Grand prix leaders" in their city website.
How to level up your company rating
- Leveling up your company rating by buying any package of services. If the company buys any service package and pays for it using the management system, the company rating is leveled up by the number that is equal to the days the service package is paid for. For example, if the company pays for the service package "Tenders" for 1 year, then the rating is leveled up by +366 (we count 366 days in a year).
- One-time rating leveling up for a review. If the company leaves a positive review for the project, then the company rating is leveled up by +100. The company cannot delete its review. The rating is not affected by any changes made in the review.
- Leveling up the rating for reporting an error. If the user has found and error in the Inkapi software services, then as a gratitude, the company can receive from 1 to 30 rate points. Bug reports must be sent to this email address:
- The increasing rating. Рейтинг self-promoting companies in the Inkapi project is increased by +8 every Monday. During the 7 days of the week it is down by -7 and only +1 point is left. Then on Monday it gets increased by +8 again, and during next week loses -7 points again, but the remaining rate is now +2. This way the company that advances itself in our project is sure to have positive rating, which is steadily growing.
- Resetting the rating. The Inkapi project administration can impose sanctions against company and reset company rating for violation of the User Agreement. The result for the User Agreement violation is resetting the rating to zero. If the company has received the website evaluation sometime before, then on the next day the company rating will be equal to the website evaluation number and will be maintained in this position.
Main page » User instruction » Chargeable services » The company rating »